Monday, August 22, 2011

Memories of The Bad-Dream House

As I stated in my first post, I have experienced paranormal events through out my life and this journal is an attempted to relay those events which I will try to do in some semblance of chronological order. This first section of memories occurred in a house I call The Bad-Dream House. It was here that I found myself haunted during my waking hours and tormented during my dreams (hence the name).

My first memories of ghostly happenings started around age 7, which was about the time my first brother was born. My family, consisting of my father, step-mother, brother, and I, lived in a 2 bedroom starter home in what is considered part of mid-town Memphis. Before my brother was born, my father converted half of the attic into a new room and put in a stair case leading to the upstairs into the downstairs room in which I was staying. It was after the stair case was put in that I started having troubles sleeping as well as feeling an unease that stayed with me for the next couple of years while I lived there. After my brother was born I was moved into the new attic room and my baby brother took over my old room at the bottom of the stairs.

During that time of my life, I developed a fear of the dark and a distaste of open doors, especially closet doors of which my closest had none (luckily I am well over my fear of the dark...but not over my distaste of open doors). I remember the feeling of being watched from the dark places in my room and could still swear to this day that something seemed to be moving and swirling in those dark places. I found that I couldn't sleep unless I slept with the covers over my head (even during the hot Memphis summers) and I surrounded myself with my stuffed animals (sock monkeys, etc). At the end of my bed was a cedar chest which held winter blankets and on top of the chest my 2-3 foot fighting robot and Godzilla toys stood (like sentries).

My first actual memory of seeing a ghost happened on one such summer evening. It was early Saturday morning, sometime after midnight, when I woke up with a strange sensation and a feeling of being watched. The sensation is difficult to describe but the only thing I can liken it to is knowing that you are lying there flat on your back but the bed feels like it is standing on its end. Between the heat, that sensation, and the feeling of being watched, I finally pulled the covers from my head. Standing at the foot of my bed, passed the cedar chest was a girl (teens to early 20's) with blond hair and a fair complexion, wearing a hospital of those white ones with the little blue flowers. I could see her quite vividly due to the fact that the moon shown quite brightly through the window to the right of my bed. The most disturbing thing about this girl, besides her being a stranger in my room, was her eyes; they had no pupils, no iris, no colors other than white! The inclination of her head suggested that she was looking down at me but other than that she said nothing and did nothing..... she just stood there. The last thing I remember of the incident was that I grabbed the covers and threw them over my head and somehow fell back to sleep. I awoke in the light of the day and quickly made my way downstairs for Saturday morning cartoons.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Trying Something New

Hello, My name is Christian and I am starting a new journey; that of the paranormal investigator.

For those who don't already know me and my stories of hauntings and the paranormal, I will start by saying that I have experienced many paranormal events throughout my life. In an attempt to put "pen to paper" or in this case "keystrokes to internet", I have decided that I should post these events, both past and present, here in this blog. Over time, I will "catch-you-up" on the past events as well as post current happenings as they occur. With any luck I will also post any audio, photo, or video evidence that I may capture.

Now let's raise a glass and toast my first successful blog! Huzzah!!